Heartburn & Indegestion
What is Heartburn & Indegestion?
Heartburn manifests when stomach acid rises into the esophagus and is essentially synonymous with acid reflux, often leading to indigestion.
These conditions can also go by various other names, including:
Acid reflux
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (abbreviated as GERD)
Upset stomach
It's important to note that recurring heartburn can potentially pose health risks over time. Persistent heartburn may contribute to long-term health issues. However, with appropriate treatment, heartburn can be managed and is unlikely to result in severe complications. Your healthcare provider at MinuteClinic® can assess your symptoms and develop a personalized treatment plan for you.
What symptoms can occur with heartburn?
The most prevalent symptom of heartburn is a sensation of pain or burning in the chest, upper abdomen, and throat. Regrettably, this type of discomfort can also be indicative of heart-related issues. If you are unsure whether your chest pain is attributable to heartburn, it is imperative to seek immediate emergency medical attention. When there is any suspicion of a heart attack, it is prudent to prioritize safety and promptly call 911.
However, heartburn manifests with more than just pain and burning; additional symptoms encompass:
Halitosis (unpleasant breath)
Pain when swallowing
Difficulty in swallowing
Dental damage
Respiratory difficulties
Furthermore, individuals who have previously contracted COVID-19 may experience heartburn and indigestion symptoms persisting for weeks to months after their initial recovery. This condition is sometimes referred to as "long COVID-19" or post-COVID-19 syndrome. If you fall into this category, a MinuteClinic provider can be of assistance by formulating a personalized treatment plan based on your symptoms and, if necessary, referring you to a specialist.
What cause heartburn?
Heartburn occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, the tube connecting the mouth to the stomach, causing discomfort. Normally, the stomach's valve closes tightly when not in use to prevent acid reflux. However, certain factors such as specific foods, injuries, and inherited predispositions can weaken this valve, allowing acid to escape upwards into the esophagus.
Some individuals experience chronic heartburn, while others encounter it intermittently. Certain foods and activities can exacerbate heartburn symptoms.
To identify what exacerbates your heartburn, it can be helpful to maintain a diary detailing your dietary choices, activities, and symptoms. This can aid in pinpointing the specific triggers that worsen your heartburn. Sometimes, avoiding these triggers can effectively manage heartburn. Your healthcare provider at MinuteClinic can assist you in monitoring and comprehending the factors that contribute to your heartburn symptoms.
How is heartburn treated?
The symptoms described can manifest with or without accompanying pain. The absence of pain does not necessarily indicate the absence of acid reflux. If you experience any of the aforementioned symptoms, whether pain is present or not, it is advisable to seek a comprehensive evaluation and treatment plan from a MinuteClinic provider. In certain cases, patients may be directed to consult with another healthcare provider for further assessment.
What are the potential consequences of untreated heartburn?
Neglecting to address heartburn can lead to discomfort and, over time, may result in health complications.